Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Baru belajar Yubiami

2 tahun lalu, browsing di web-web para perajut dan ketemu istilah ini.
Yubiami istilah untuk merajut menggunakan jari-jari tangan, tanpa bantuan alat lainnya.
Pernah sekali liat tayangannya di teve swasta. Keliatannya seru juga, dalam tayangan itu ada berbagai usia yang sedang asik ber-Yubiami, ada ibu-ibu, remaja putra-putri, anak-anak perempuan dan laki-laki juga ada.

2 hari lalu,, saat jenuh dengan WIP yang ga kelar-kelar, kepikiran pengen belajar yubiami.  Itung-itung refreshing. Ga lama searching videonya di Youtube,,, ketemu ini deh..
Tuuh kan.. yang memeragakannya aja laki-laki.. Ternyata memang mudah untuk dipelajari..
Hasil yubiami ini bisa jadi syal, tempat hp dll, tapi biar ga belibet kayaknya harus pake benang tebel/bulky nih..

Yuuukk.. ber-Yubiami.... ^_*

Flower crocheted Handbag

One of my Work In process..
beautiful handbag, a bag with full of flower.
made from 72 peaces of big flower and 48 peaces of little one.
Takes more than 2 months to finished this.. may be much longer..
Couldn't wait to finish it... >,<

And after several month.. finally finished


Amigurumi baloon

Really looovveeee this pattern.

We can use it for free.. yippiee.. >,<
Thank's to

Amigurumi Bird Pattern

Hello there...

This is one of my son's toys. Have to make some more birds in different colour, so that he will not be lonely... lol :D

Taken from Kathleen Halkovic pattern.
here are the pattern...
·  Birds of a Feather


Using an F hook and worsted weight yarn in the color of your choice, sc 6 into a circle
Sc2 into each st (12 sts)
Sc 1, sc2 into next st* around (18 sts)
Sc 2, sc2 into next st* around (24 sts)
Sc around
Sc 3, sc2 into next st* around (30 sts)
Sc around for 10 rounds
Sc 3, sc2 tog* around (24 sts)
Sc 2, sc2 tog* around (18 sts)
Sc 1, sc2 tog* around (12 sts)
Sc2tog around (6 sts)
Wings (Make 2):

Sc 6 into a circle
Sc2 into each st (12 sts)
Sc 3, sc2 into next st (15 sts)
Sc around for 3 rounds

Sc6 into a circle
Sc2 into each st (12 sts)
Sc2 into each st (24 sts)
Stuff body firmly, gather remaining 6 stitches together and tie tightly. Fold tail in half and sew around outside edge. Sew tail with the flat (inner part) lined up with the last of plain single crochet on the body. With wings about halfway on the body, sew them on so that they are symmetrical, and the tail remains centered between them. Embellish with felt beak and plastic eyes.
Make a whole family, because birds of a feather flock together!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Bando Rajut

Sepatu Rajut

Crocheted Bag

Here are our collection of crocheted bag.  Made by customer's order.

Dawnstring Bag

Material     :  Soft cotton & semi wool
String         : 60-80 cm



Red Hobo Bag

Material    :  Pure Cotton
String        : 60 cm


Strip Hobo Bag

Material    :  Pure Cotton
String        : 60 cm


Brownies Hobo Bag

Material    :  Pure Cotton
String        : 60 cm


Girly Strip

Material    : Polyester & Cotton
String        :  40 cm
Other material    : Inner lining & zipper


Nice Pastel

Material    : Nylon
String        : 150 cm


Ruby Bag

Material    : Nylon
Strap        : 150 cm


Nylon Web

Material    : nylon
Inner lining    : w or w/o


Go Green Shoulder

Material    : Pure cotton
Inner lining    : semi satin


Pink Handbag

Material    : Pure cotton
Inner lining    : optional



Simple Granny Square
Material    : Pure cotton, polyester
Inner lining    : optional

Nice story about Crochet

Shared from Beg Maguire one of Crochet Group member in FB..
......Many years ago a couple got married. Soon after the wedding, the woman went to visit her monther. When she returned she was carrying a box. He husband asked her what was in the box. She replied that it was from her mother, for her, and he was NEVER suppose to look in side it. She put it in the closet and her husband forgot it.

Many many years later the woman had become old and feeble, so her husband had to place her in a nursing home. One day the old man was cleaning house when he found the box in the closet. He open the box and found 2 doilies and $30,416. He was furious thinking that they could have used the money during thier life when times were bad.

The old man took the box and went to the nursing home. When his wife woke up she said, "Oh, you found my box." He said "yes, what is this?"

The old woman replied,"you remember that Mother gave me that box right after we were married. She told me there would be times when I would get mad at you. she told me when that happened I should crochet a doily." This tired her out so she closed her eyes.

The old man sat there thing...a smile formed on his lips as the thought...2 doilies...we've had a good life.

Just then he heard a tiny voice from the bed "And the money is for all the doilies I sold."